ITRS 2025 - Presentation Proposal Form
Presentations should be submitted at the earliest convenience.
Please remember that presentations should be data driven and should not be about promoting a business or product.
Presentations are considered on a first-come basis and are reviewed periodically. The Selection Committee will notify you whether your submission has been accepted or denied within 30 days.

Please include ALL presenter's names and emails on one proposal form.
Presenter Biography
Each presenter must submit no more than a one paragraph biography that describes their experience and lists any information that they would like for the ITRS attendees to know. If you are presenting with someone else, please provide the other presenter's biography or biographies on this form as well.
Presentation Abstract
For each presentation, presenters must submit an abstract that is no more than one page in length. Each abstract should detail the intent of the presentation. The presentation should closely follow the submitted and approved abstract.
Please use instruction by the following link
Please select the amount of time you'll need for your presentation *
At what time do you prefer to present? Please select all that apply *
*Note: Presentation preferences will be honored in the order in which they are received.
Please select all categories that your presentation will cover:
Other categories - Please Specify:
Please select all sub-categories that your presentation will cover:
Other sub-categories - Please Specify:
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